Living in Romania

Romania is an EU member state.

If you reside for a longer period in Romania, you need to have a valid passport and/or identity card for the entire period of time to be spent in Romania, as following:

  • Volunteers who are citizens from EU, European Economic Area (EEA) or of Switzerland do not need a visa to entry Romania.
  • Citizens of EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation may enter and stay in Romania according to the right to free movement and residence guaranteed by the Romanian state legislation in line with European provisions. If you stay in Romania longer than 3 months, we must register your residency (by obtaining a registration certificate) to the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration.
  • If you are not in the above category, you can enter in Romania through all border crossing points if you present a passport and a valid visa, where is mandatory. List with countries who don’t need visa here and those who need here.
  • Non-EU participants must apply for a visa at the Romanian Embassy in the country where the volunteer has the residence. You need to talk to your hosting organisation for all the details and the documents you need from them.

Legal provisions

There are some legal provisions you should know about, we are presenting some general rules, but please ask your hosting organization about any other situation you might have doubts.

People are not allowed to smoke in enclosed areas like train, buses, bars, restaurants, pubs etc., or in public places such as hospitals, train stations, concert halls, and theatres. Tobacco products are

Alchool consumption
People can drink and buy alcoholic drinks if they are over 18 years old. Drinking alcohol in public space (i.e. parks, streets) is forbidden. In some occasions (football matches, elections) the sell of acholic products might be restricted in some areas.

Recreational drugs use
All drugs are prohibited and the use of drugs leads to a criminal case and imprisonment.

The use of seat belts is mandatory.
Use of mobile phones while driving is banned, with the exception of hands-free systems.
The headlights must be always turned on outside cities and during rain and dark.
You are not allowed to drink&drive.
“Rovinieta” (tax disc) is mandatory on all national roads.

European Health Insurance

For young people residents in EU states, the European Health Insurance Card is mandatory. Al the participants have to ask the national authorities about this card and must communicate with the hosting and sending organization on this matter. You have all the information’s you need here. If you do not qualify to obtain the EHIC, please ask a proof of denial from the health authority, because organisations need this document in order to request primary/full coverage with Cigna insurance.

133 Vizualizări
9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

02 Iulie 2024

Forumul European de Tineret (European Youth Forum) se bazează pe răspunsurile tale!

9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

02 Iulie 2024

Forumul European de Tineret (European Youth Forum) se bazează pe răspunsurile tale!

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