From RURAL to PLURAL is the policy paper aiming to develop a RURAL Youth Ecosystem and to scale up the European Youth Village.

It has developed during the first edition of the European Rural Youth Summit taking place in Aroneanu, România, from the 6th until the 8th of September 2023. 145 participants from 18 countries were present and contributed to co-create the document.



for the final document containing the main conclusions of the European Rural Youth Summit.

It contains:
- the challenges, opportunities and the main measures proposed to build and effective Rural Youth Ecosystem (pages 1-6)
- key features, tools and methods as well as a proposed roadmap, vision, outcomes and fundamentals on how to scale-up the European Youth Village in order to become a truly European Program (pages 7-12)

It is also supported by a series of annexes as follows:
- Annex 1 - the main results of the sessions ”From RURAL to PLURAL" around around 6 essential components (Youth vision, Human resources, Youth work, information and counseling, Youth structures, Youth infrastructure, and Youth funding), for a rural youth ecosystem discussed in 4 time slots each: challenges, opportunities, dreaming and concrete measures (pages 14 - 22) - see also the documents from day 1 HERE
- Annex 2: ”From RURAL to PLURAL” focus groups full report (pages 23 - 47)
- ANNEX 3: Scaling the European Youth Village program from national to European level - full report (pages 48 - 60)

9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

02 Iulie 2024

Forumul European de Tineret (European Youth Forum) se bazează pe răspunsurile tale!

9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

02 Iulie 2024

Forumul European de Tineret (European Youth Forum) se bazează pe răspunsurile tale!

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