MuC Story


The idea for Mentoring under Construction goes back to autumn 2018. European Solidarity Corps was freshly launched and a joint venture formed between European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre  and Romanian National Agency was wondering how to put in the spotlight mentoring in order to ensure a quality support for volunteers.

Initially the came into life in form of a residential event for March 2020 in Bucharest. Like many other events in the field of European Youth Work it was planned, postponed, and then about to be cancelled due to the uncertain situation of you-know-who.

Moving on. From an event to a community building.

But... the idea transformed envisioning a European community around mentoring in the European Solidarity Corps Programme. In September 2020, the residential event became a series of four online events which took place in November-December 2020. And this was just the beginning.

In 2021, we continue this series of online events with one-day intense workshops, MeetUPs and podcasts. This process – so we hope – will lead us to a residential event in Bucharest.

The vision. The future.

There are still a lot of challenges along the way. But the vison is clear. Imagine a vibrant, resourceful community of mentoring practitioners that support one another in identifying, adapting and implementing good practices in their daily work within European Solidarity Corps programme. Step by step we are getting there!

The people behind the vision.

Andreea Buzec (from Romania) and Mihael Kimming (from Poland) the main facilitators of the events since Septembre 2020.
Andrei Dobre (Romania) stepped in in 2021 as community organizer.
Romina Matei from the European Solidarity Corps Resource Center and Andrei Popescu from the Romanian National Agency are offering the administrative support. Lately (in 2021) Mateja Crnekovic (Croatian NA), Edouard Porttefaix (French NA) and Oli Atlason (Icelandic NA) joined as well, strenghtening the team!

74 Vizualizări
9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

02 Iulie 2024

Forumul European de Tineret (European Youth Forum) se bazează pe răspunsurile tale!

9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

02 Iulie 2024

Forumul European de Tineret (European Youth Forum) se bazează pe răspunsurile tale!

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