!!! Important info for volunteers and participants in Romania

717 Vizualizări
Data: 16 Martie 2020

Dear people and organizations, institutions and initiative groups involved in ESC, Erasmus+ and SEE projects,
Please read the following information carefully. It containg both important source of informations from the official sources in Romania as well as a set of measures issued by the Romanian authorities translated in English!

Information about measures in place in Romania in relation with COVID-19

Please note that due to the evolving situation of infections with COVID-19, the Romanian Government and its institutions are taking measures to diminish the number of infections with the virus. In addition, other states in Europe and worldwide are taking a range of measures that also impact life, travel, business etc. These measures are changing rapidly, this list was compiled on 12/03/2020.


Information sources for Romania

Comitetul National pentru Situatii Speciale de Urgenta/National Committee for Special Emergency Situations – List of measures adopted https://gov.ro/ro/masuri

Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department for Emergency Situations http://www.dsu.mai.gov.ro ; active also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/departamenturgente/

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – in particular in respect to travel warnings to other countries http://mae.ro/en/travel-alerts

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Embassies of Romania abroad: http://mae.ro/romanian-missions

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Embassies in Romania http://mae.ro/foreign-missions

Information about customs control at the entrance in Romania, including the closure of customs points: https://www.politiadefrontiera.ro/en/main/home.html

Ministry of Health http://www.ms.ro/coronavirus-covid-19/

The list of County Health Directions is available here: http://www.ms.ro/directiile-de-sanatate-publica-judetene-respectiv-a-municipiului-bucuresti-servicii-publice-deconcentrate/

Map of cases in Romania https://instnsp.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/5eced796595b4ee585bcdba03e30c127

 List of red/yellow areas affected with COVID-19 – regularly updated: https://www.cnscbt.ro


Greenline for information about COVID-19 for people on Romanian territory: 0800800358.

Greenline form information about COVID-19 for Romanian citizens abroad: +4021.320.20.20


List of measures in place in Romania

  • An emergency state over Romanian teritory has been declared starting with 16th of March.
  • Gatherings with more than 100 people are forbidden be them inside or outside until 31 March and more restrictions are expected to be imposed. Please note that many local authorities and institutions might have taken measures to cancel all public events.
  • It is recommended that all work that can be done from home to be done so.
  • Most public institutions have suspended face-to-face public work and are responding to requests via email and telephone. Where necessary, access is limited to ensure the required social distance.
  • All public institutions, and companies with over 99 employees, are working with de-phased shedule in order to diminish the traffic and number of people in traffic in major cities.
  • All non-essential travel is strongly recommended to be delayed or cancelled.
  • All public and private schools (besides universities) have suspended courses until 22 March 2020 with the possibility to prologue this period depending on the situation. Please note that 4-21 April 2020 is school holiday.
  • Many universities have suspended their face-to-face courses too - the universities take the decision independently, so you will need to check their websites.
  • All travel to and from Italy is suspended, including road travel.
  • All people coming to Romania from areas designated as red or yellow areas should enter at minimum self-isolation or depending on case institutional quarantine. The failure to respect self-isolation and/or quarantine is prosecuted.
  • All mobilities/exchanges of experience that have not started yet are suspended until 31 March.
  • All medicine and medical equipment required for the treatment of COVID-19 cannot be exported from Romanian territory for the next 6 months.
  • The Romanian Foreign Affairs has requested Romanian citizens abroad to Romania with emergency.

Adăugat de: Eurodesk Romania

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