Call for reserchers team - mentoring and coaching in Europe

633 Vizualizări
Data: 19 Martie 2022




Starting with 2020, the Romanian National Agency for European Solidarity Corps together with the SALTO European Solidarity Corps initiatied a process of exploring the current realities of mentoring in the ESC programme called Mentoring Under Construction (see details HERE). 

In time there was developed a community building process taking stock of the mentoring landscape within the European Solidarity Corps (details what has been done so far can found HERE)

Alongside with mentoring for volunteering projects, coaching for solidarity projects are among the most important support tools offered in the European Solidarity Corps.


Why this call for researchers?

To further explore and deepen the understanding of mentoring in the European Solidarity Corps programme, the SALTO ESC together with the Romanian National Agency for European Solidarity Corps, Austrian NA and the French National Agency are looking for a team of researchers to look for synergies among the similar processes, the second layer of the research will gather relevant data related to coaching as well.

This research work shall connect the existing offers from different National Youth Agencies towards supporting mentoring and coaching processes in Europe, with the already existing know-how in the field (various organisations have produced resources for mentoring and coaching over the years) and with the current needs of mentors and coaches that are expressed in the field. The outcomes will serve as a common ground for further proposing activities that support and increase quality in mentoring services offered under European Solidarity Corps.


Working conditions

The team of experts shall:

  • Be familiar with the ESC programmes (context and overall content);
  • Have a significant experience with mentors and coaching in the ESC context (other relevant experiences will be an asset);
  • Have proven expertise in monitoring and evaluation in youth work;
  • Have an international dimension in the composition of the team;
  • Have an excellent command of the written English language.

Renumeration (for the entire team): 14400 EUR.


Application & selection procedure

How to apply:

  • Fill in the form available HERE (in includes the attachments of the CVs from each team members):
  • The application form will be submitted no later than 10th of April 2022.


Further information

More details are available on the open call published on SALTO HERE or on the pdf open call available HERE.

For further clarifications regarding this call, please send an email to no later than 8th of April 2022.



Adăugat de: Eurodesk Romania

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