Midterm Evaluation - March 2023 edition (face to face) POSTPONED

Registration Deadline
07 . 04 . 2023
25 Aprilie 2023 - 29 Aprilie 2023
Jud. Gorj, Targu Jiu, Hotel Gorj, Calea Eroilor 6, Târgu Jiu 210007
Event type
Eveniment OAT/MTE
Event registration
The registration deadline has expired.
1236 Vizualizări

This seminar is postponed. The new period is 25-29 of April with 26-28 of April 2023 days of training.


What is the MidTerm Meeting?

The MidTerm Evaluation allows volunteers to assess their experience so far and to reflect on the activities, role and support of the Hosting Organisation and on their own contribution. The MidTerm Evaluation is essential for risk prevention and crisis management and it thus facilitates conflict resolution - if necessary! In addition, volunteers share experiences and increase their motivation.
The evaluation provides the opportunity to learn from everybody’s ‘volunteer story’ and enables the volunteers to plan developments and/or further improvements in their service and to think about what they will do in the longer term, once their period of service is over. The evaluation should also raise awareness of the personal learning process, linking it to the key competences of the Youthpass.


Logistical issues

Accommodation will be provided only during the period of the event starting with 25th of April in the evening until the morning of 29th of April 2023. 

The online form for claiming the travelling cost (including the financial guidelines) is available HERE.
Please make sure to upload both the reimbursement form filled in, signed and scanned as well as the proof of travelling documents.

For transparency reasons and the correct use of EU funding your participation is conditioned by the following conditions that are to be respected by all participants:
- the obligation to be active and participate during the entire program of the event
- taking fully responsibility for any damage that may be cause during lodging 
- any consequences generated by missbehavior during the participation in the MidTerm Evaluation will be announced to the hosting organization
- agreement to be photographed of filmed during the event, materials to be published with the goal of promoting the event and results dissemination, without affecting the personal or institutional image
- the personal data processing in order to ensure the organization and communication of the event
- agreement to be contacted via e-mail or phone by the event organizers and potential auditors
- agreement that the name will be published on the event page at the selection stage.

Training and evaluation cycle (TEC)

The MidTerm Evaluation Meeting is just one of the meetings dedicated to volunteers in European Solidarity Corps.

One of the key features of ESC volunteering is the training and evaluation it provides, guiding young volunteers through a non-formal learning process before, during and after their period of service abroad. The training and evaluation dimension aims at providing young volunteers with continuous guidance and support throughout their voluntary service period. Such training and evaluation contributes to the education and development of each young person. It also helps resolve conflicts and prevent risks and it provides a means of assessing the volunteer's experience.

Volunteers have the right and obligation to attend the session while the participating organizations must ensure that their volunteers take part in the Training and Evaluation Cycle (TEC), which is considered an integral part of the voluntary service.

Added by: Cornel Stinga
Registration Deadline
07 . 04 . 2023
25 Aprilie 2023 - 29 Aprilie 2023
Jud. Gorj, Targu Jiu, Hotel Gorj, Calea Eroilor 6, Târgu Jiu 210007
Event type
Eveniment OAT/MTE
Event registration
The registration deadline has expired.
1236 Vizualizări
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Loc desfăşurare
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