Connector 6.0

Termen de înscriere
03 . 10 . 2021
9 Noiembrie 2021 - 12 Noiembrie 2021
Loc desfăşurare
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
1628 Vizualizări



Digital & traditional animation with Anca Manolache

Think for three seconds of a story, animated or not, that shaped a bit of who you are! Animation means moving images. It is an optical illusion, almost like a magic trick done thoroughly. Animation is storytelling and empowering people to tell (their) stories using characters, imagined/real-life inspired worlds and, most importantly, their feelings and their imagination.

We will be using simple instruments like our imagination, the stories we want to put in the world, the stories we love, some objects we have around the house, a free app and a tablet.
Animation is a method that helps each of us shape the world within, but also the world outside.


EduFit - Be fit to learn better! with Cristina Palavescu

Movement is a part of what we do consciously (or not) ever since we are born and even before that. In time, as years pass, we focus more on the intellectual, spiritual or emotional activities, we take the physicality for granted – breathing, heart beating, and sleeping – or we ignore it, as we seldom do with stress or pain.
This workshop invites participants to realise that the body-mind-soul is a whole that works together and each part is equally important. Beside physical exercises and tricks to build habits, the workshop will also stress how movement supports the learning process.


Graphic facilitation with Andreea Buzec

Capturing ideas and content visually. That would explain, in a few words, graphic facilitation. The workshop invites participants to get started on building their visual vocabularies and on drawing words! Because visual always finds a way to simplify ideas and build understanding beyond words. Don't think about the pretty drawings and don't be afraid to get your hands virtually dirty: we will explore key concepts throughout multiple angles by using comprehensive and socially accepted symbols and we'll exercise the different roles that colours can have. You will gain competences and get empowered to use these tools in your own work!


Hosting Online Events with Diana Ghindă

How do we design and host meaningful online events?

This learning and practice space will invite participants to connect to the deeper meaning of why we learn or meet online, how can we really listen to each other online, how can we co-sense, be present together, co-create and move to action in a way that is both meaningful and enjoyable for everybody that participates.
From all the different hosting methodologies, the invitation in this workshop is to explore and practice formats and tools from Theory U: Leading from the Future as it emerges, Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations and systemic coaching.


Inclusion and online dynamics with Jaka Kovac

Covid 19 has brought a completely new reality and it became really important to think about learning and activities from different perspectives.
The aim of the workshop is to explore how to address different learning styles, how to take care to get everyone on board and include everybody in the process of the online settings.
It will be a common space of exploration on the importance of a safe learning space; different tools to engage people from different backgrounds; inclusive methodologies; Zoom functionalities; Gamification of learning process online


Online public speaking with Paul Ardeleanu

Public speaking – skill or method? How to better design and deliver online speeches?

In this workshop participants will discover how to use public speaking and presentations as a concrete form of learning, through 5 different contexts: TED Speech, Debate, Improvised speech, Sales speech, Educational speech (presentation).


Sociodrama with Irina Ștefănescu

Sociodrama is an action method which can accompany a group in telling its story, in understanding it better and, if appropriate, in changin it. It is useful for every group leader: teachers, youth workers, trainers, team coaches, managers, priests, mayors etc. Sociodrama is like intelligence: crystallized and fluid. For the crystallized part, once there is a "contract" with the group, you will see warm-up, enactment and sharing. For the fluid part, you can see storytelling in action, roles relationships, spontaneity, creativity, loads of individual and social learning and the power of collective intelligence.


Grow your adaptABILITY with Cristina Rigman 

We were already living in a world characterized by growing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity when the pandemic came to deepen the discomfort we experienced. Some manage to deal with the discomfort better than others; some sink in deep uncertainty while other navigate change with ease. What are the elements that make this difference? Is this natural endowment or a skill that one can develop?

In this workshop we explore a research-based model of adaptability built around 3 main dimensions: ability, character and environment. We will learn to explore individual adaptability and identify dimensions for change and growth that can make our adaptability journey faster and less painful.


Aflat la a 6-a ediție, CONNECTOR 6.0 își propune să creeze un spaţiu online de interacţiune pentru pasionați și facilitatori ai procesului de învățare non-formală.

Evenimentul se adresează tuturor celor interesați de învăţarea interactivă: formatori, facilitatori, lucrători de tineret, cadre didactice din toate sectoarele acoperite de programele Corpul European de Solidaritate și Erasmus+: tineret, educaţia adulţilor, educaţie formală (preuniversitară sau universitară), formare profesională (VET).

Connector 6.0 se va desfășura online, pe platforma Zoom, pe parcursul a 4 zile. Persoanele selectate vor avea posibilitatea să descopere metodele de învățare propuse și descrise mai jos în mai multe moduri:
- vor participa la un atelier axat pe una dintre metode, atelier care va explica și pune în practică metoda respectivă în toate cele 4 zile ale evenimentului;
- vor participa la ateliere scurte, de 30 de minute, de tip appetiser, care vor prezenta alte 3 metode de învățare;
- vor participa, în ultima zi a evenimentului, la performance-urile pregătite de toate grupurile de lucru, performance-uri ce vor arăta cum pot fi puse în practică metodele de învățare prezentate în eveniment

Informaţii suplimentare cu privire la eveniment şi la obiectivele acestuia se găsesc AICI iar agenda draft poate fi accesată AICI.

Înscrierea se face online prin completarea formularului de candidatură (este necesară în prealabil înregistrarea pe site-ul SALTO-Youth) AICI.

Criterii de selecţie:
- implicarea activă în organizația pe care o reprezintă;
- motivaţia personală şi profesională;
- motivația de a împărtăși metodele învățate și a le pune în practică în comunitatea din care provin;
- abilităţi lingvistice, evenimentul se desfășoară integral în limba engleză.

Data limită pentru înscrierea online a candidaţilor din România este: 3 octombrie 2021.

Rezultatele selecţiei naţionale vor fi comunicate tuturor candidaţilor de către Agenţia Naţională din România.

Alte informații:
a. Numărul maxim de participanți din România: 30. Se așteaptă un număr de 100 de participanți din întreaga Europă, iar împărțirea pe ateliere va avea în vedere o distribuire geografică.
b. Participarea NU presupune vreo taxă sau alt cost de participare.
c. Toți participanții selectați vor fi contactați individual în vederea selectării atelierului la care urmează să ia parte.


Adaugat de: Nicusor Ciobanu
Termen de înscriere
03 . 10 . 2021
9 Noiembrie 2021 - 12 Noiembrie 2021
Loc desfăşurare
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
1628 Vizualizări
1 Aprilie 2025 - 6 Aprilie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
27 Ianuarie 2025 - 31 Ianuarie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
04 Decembrie 2024
22 Noiembrie 2024

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1 Aprilie 2025 - 6 Aprilie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
27 Ianuarie 2025 - 31 Ianuarie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
04 Decembrie 2024
22 Noiembrie 2024

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